Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Choose Your Own Adventure

After briefly looking at Web 2.0 Awards & Webware I went back to Web 2.0. Web 2.0 was easier to look through. Some of the award winners I found rather silly, such as onesentence.org; didn't see any real reason for this one.

Under Retail, first place winner threadless.com was one site I think my kids would love to buy t-shirts from. I really liked one entitled, "Queen of Paradise," it was a piece of artwork on a T. And the best part is anyone could design a T and sell it! We have many young artist in the library that might find this a cool site.

Lulu.com was a self publishing site. Next time I have a patron that wants to have their writings in book form, this is one site I might recommend.

Some sites are more useful than others, but some of these are also new to patrons, (I include myself here) and we're slowly becoming aware of them. Of the award winners listed, I've only had questions asked about Craigslist, FaceBook and YouTube.


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